
Sunday, May 15, 2011

What exercise is best for weight loss?

We all know the importance of sport for any person who what to be healthy, in good shape and to lose weight. So what exercise is best for weight loss? Next I’ll tell you which sports I’m currently using to keep me in good shape. Combined with a daily diet you won’t have to worry: you will lose weight and you will feel great with your body.

Some of the sports I’m practicing for losing weight have no costs and for the others I have to invest some money, but you can have all for free. Any way the summer is here and I want to be in good shape and look very well in my swim suit.

1. Step Aerobics
Step aerobics is a distinguished from other forms of aerobic exercise by its use of an elevated platform (the step). The height can be tailored to individual needs by inserting risers under the step. It acts mainly for legs, thighs and bottom. Step aerobics exercises help me burn calories and the amount of calories burned depends on the speed of movements, step height, and length of exercise time. It also provides endurance training, which helps maintain the health of my cardiovascular system.

2. Running
Each morning when I wake up I either do aerobic workout or I go running. I have a park near my place with a big lake in the middle and I usually I make one tour around the lake before going back to prepare to go to work. The main benefits of running for me are: weight loss, improved cardiovascular health, improved bone health, improved mood and better coordination.

3. Cycling
My husband love cycling. He bought us (me and my 2 boys) 3 bicycles and almost each week-end we try to escape from the city and go on parks on country roads to ride our bikes. Depending on how quick I pedal as many calories I burn!

4. Swimming
My oldest son (5 years old) loves swimming. It’s like he was born in the water. Because of this I decide to go to him on swimming courses. Swimming workout is so good because you will make use of each and every part of body, as this exercise will be done by all parts of your body. That’s why it is named as one type of aerobic exercise which will strengthen your muscles.

5. Tennis.
I’m not a very good tennis player, but I have a friend who was a junior professional player. We loved to meet each other, play some tennis and talk about one and other. Tennis exercises take care of everything. It requires Quickness and agility to get to the ball, core strength to get power into your shots, stamina to be able to play for a couple of sets and mental toughness to stay one step ahead of your opponent. All that while having fun, working off stress and energizing your spirits.

Proactol LTD

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