
Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Grapefruit Juice Diet, Healthy Weight Loss with Juicing

I’ve lost 22 pounds in one month eating healthy, using a grapefruit juice diet so I want to tell you more about weight loss with juicing program.

As I've already told you I’m a female, 31 years old. I have two wonderfull kids. They are the sun of my days…but ofcourse, after 2 pregnancies I remaid with 22 pounds extra.

So I decided to solve this problem and regain my feminity. I’ve tried a lot of diets but…unfortunatly none of them succeded because I can not be so strict about all that I eat. I like goodies and it is not easy for me not eat them. I checked out on internet some diets but they were strictly so one day I’ve heard about grapefruit juice. It is a miracle. The diet I’ve found was more strictly than the one I’ve created for my own necessities. The key of this diet is that you have to drink before each meal an grapefruit juice made by one grapefruit. Also, an important thing is to have only 3 meals per day and not to eat between them. This is very important.

In the original diet you loose 8 pounds in a week and sounds like this:

It is forbeden to eat: potatoes, beans, peas, onion, carrots, cabbage, celery, cheese.
  • Breakfast:
- Grapefruit juice (natural one, not the one from the bottles, sugar added)
- 2 egs (cooked in which way you want);
- 2 slice of bacon;
- One decaff coffee (no sugar added and no milk);
- Grapefruit juice;
- Meat (chicken meat, pork or beef) cooked however you want and you can eat how many you want;
- Fresh vegetables (how many you want)
  • Dinner:
- Grapefruit juice;
- Meat (chicken meat, pork or beef) cooked however you want and you can eat how many you want;
- Cooked vegetables and fresh vegetables (how many you want)

Before sleeping you can drink a glass of milk or tomato juice, but fresh one without sugar added.

Also, you have to drink 2 litres of water.

Proactol LTD

This is the original one, but because as I’ve told you I am a little bit greedy, I must say that I didn’t respect strictly this diet and beyond this I’ve had some remarkable results.

I wish you good luck and hope you will have the same results. Check this link for other information related to grapefruit juice diet.

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